The concept of original sin simply entails that the first man, Adam, sinned and that resulted in the transference of sin to his progeny.Simply stated, it may be described that man by nature is sinful due to the sin of Adam. In order to correct this situation a sacrifice of a sinless person is required. This sinless person was Jesus who was born fatherless. His death on the cross rectified or paid for this original sin. Although this concept was imported from heathen philosophy, it became a respectable doctrine in the third century. Saint Augustine made this into a Christian dogma of the Roman Catholic Church in the fifth century. Its proponents make us believe that this is based on Biblical teachings and present passages as proof texts of the Bible that teach this concept. Modern scholars have closely looked at those passages and have concluded that the original perception is grossly erroneous. The verses were not read in context and were blatantly interpreted to adopt the literal meaning of a few verses and the metaphoric meaning of others. The concept has no roots in the Biblical Scriptures when they are read while maintaining the entire context in which they are placed. Modern Christian scholars have pointed out that this dogma not only fails the tests of commonsense but also promotes evil and immorality in the society. These scholars have thoroughly studied the Biblical verses that allegedly propose this concept and have shown the follies and gross mistakes of the proponents of this doctrine. In conclusion, they attest that man’s nature is flawless and each one is bestowed with the wisdom to choose right from wrong. It is this choice that is vital to the phenomenon of accountability on the Day of Judgment. When juxtaposed with Islamic belief, there remains no difference between Islamic perspective and the modern Christian perspective. The scholars cited in the text include eminent theologians and individuals with esteemed reputation. The Islamic perspective is presented next and compared with the traditional and contemporary views in a tabular form.
Are men born sinners? For Christianity, the answer is yes. Simply stated, Eve persuaded Adam to commit sin, and because of that sin, they not only died, but mankind at large inherited their sin. Consequently, every child who is born in this world is sinful.Since Jesus was without a father, he was born sinless, and by offering his life on the cross, Jesus redeemed mankind from sin. All denominations of Christianity unanimously accept the doctrine of original and inherited sin. Indeed, the doctrines of atonement and salvation have their roots in the doctrine of original sin.
Historic records indicate that the doctrine of original sin started from heathen philosophy and merged into Christian theology as early as the first century. The early converts to Christianity joined the Christian fold from Paganism and they carried some of their Pagan beliefs into Christianity. Acclaimed historians of theology have studied this concept in detail and have shared their opinions in lectures that are recorded under the title “Systematic Theology.” In general, they do not agree with any of the three main theories presented by traditional scholars and suggest that the concept of original sin cannot be justified from the Bible.
Charles Finney, a renowned Christian Theologian, describes this transfer of heathen philosophy in his book Lectures on Systematic Theology thus:
"“It is a relic of heathen philosophy, and was foisted in among the doctrines of Christianity by Augustine, as every one may know who will take the trouble to examine for himself.”"
He continues to express his opinion about original sin thus:
“ "This doctrine is a stumbling-block both to the church and the world, infinitely dishonorable to God, and an abomination alike to God and the human intellect, and should be banished from every pulpit, and from every formula of doctrine, and from the world. It is a relic of heathen philosophy, and was foisted in among the doctrines of Christianity by Augustine, as every one may know who will take the trouble to examine for himself. This view of moral depravity that I am opposing has long been the stronghold of Universalism. From it, the Universalists inveigh with resistless force against the idea that sinners should be sent to an eternal hell. Assuming the long-defended doctrine of original or constitutional sinfulness, they proceeded to show, that it would be infinitely unreasonable and unjust in God to send them to hell. What! Create them with a sinful nature, from which proceed, by a law of necessity, actual transgressions, and then send them to an eternal hell for having this nature,and for transgressions that are unavoidable! Impossible! They say; and the human intellect responds, Amen.”
Alfred T. Overstreet, a Christian Clergyman, performed missionary work for several years and preached the dogma of original sin until he came across Charles Finney’s work on systematic theology. He then recanted his beliefs and understood that the concept of original sin could not be attributed to the teachings of Jesus. He revisited the biblical verses that were quoted to support the concept of original sin and learned that these verses were misinterpreted and literalized. In his book Are Men Born Sinners he quotes the following passages from the Bible and explains that, when read in proper context looking at both preceding and subsequent verses, a totally new meaning of original sin emerges. I would include only one detailed example to shed light on his reasoning; the others are listed without a detailed analysis.
Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” … And the above text would teach that men are born sinners if it were meant to be taken literally. But the language of this text is not literal, it is figurative. Both the context and reality demand a figurative interpretation of this text… So if verse 5 can be made to teach that men are born sinners, then verse seven can be made to teach that hyssop cleanses us from sin when it says, ‘Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean.’ Also verse 8 can be made to teach the doctrine that God breaks the Christian’s bones when he sins, and that his broken bones rejoice when he is forgiven: ‘Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice’”… The same rules of interpretation that would permit Psalm 51:5 to teach that babies are born sinners, would, if applied to these passages… allow for every kind of perversion and wild interpretation of God’s word.”
Overstreet continues thus:
Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” … And the above text would teach that men are born sinners if it were meant to be taken literally. But the language of this text is not literal, it is figurative. Both the context and reality demand a figurative interpretation of this text… So if verse 5 can be made to teach that men are born sinners, then verse seven can be made to teach that hyssop cleanses us from sin when it says, ‘Purge me with hyssop and I shall be clean.’ Also verse 8 can be made to teach the doctrine that God breaks the Christian’s bones when he sins, and that his broken bones rejoice when he is forgiven: ‘Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice’”… The same rules of interpretation that would permit Psalm 51:5 to teach that babies are born sinners, would, if applied to these passages… allow for every kind of perversion and wild interpretation of God’s word.”
Overstreet continues thus:
"The doctrine of original sin is false: it slanders and libels the character of God, it shocks man’s God-given consciousness of justice, and it flies in the face of the plainest teachings of God’s holy word. The doctrine of original sin is not a Bible doctrine. It is a grotesque myth that contradicts the Bible on almost every page.”
Overstreet further lists thirteen reasons why the concept of original sin is false:
It makes sin a misfortune and a calamity rather than a crime.
It makes the sinner deserve pity and compassion rather than blame for his sins.
It excuses the sinner.
It makes God responsible for sin.
It dishonors God. It makes him arbitrary, cruel and unjust.
It causes ministers to wink at and excuse sin.
It begets complacency and a low standard of religion among Christians.
It is a tumbling block for the unsaved.
It makes Jesus a sinner or it must deny his humanity.
It contradicts the Bible.
It “adds to” and “takes from” the Bible. God warns against this in Deut. 4:2 and Rev. 22:18, 19.
It begets the false doctrines and false interpretations of the Scriptures.
It is ridiculous, absurd, and unreasonable. It contradicts the necessary and irresistible affirmations of every man’s consciousness and reason, which is something that no true doctrine of the Word of God could do.”
When we read the Bible, we find the following clear-cut statements that shed light on the pure nature of man:
ECC 7:29: “Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright, but they have sought out inventions.”
Gen. 1:26, 27 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him.”
1 Cor. 11:7 “Man is the image and glory of God.
”James 3:9 “Therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.”
A closer look at the Bible reveals that both the Old and New Testaments suggest how the responsibility of sin is upon the person who sins and upon no one else. Consider the following:
Deut.24:16 “The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall children be put to death for the fathers; every man shall be put to death for his own sin.”
The same concept has been cited in Chron.25: 4 and EZ.18: 14, 17
Dr. Charles Hodge of Princeton University, a well-respected theologian of the nineteenth century, dismissed the concept of original sin. His lectures in Systematic Theology were printed in the mid twentieth century. In one of his lectures, he states:
"It may be difficult to reconcile the doctrine of innate evil dispositions with the justice and goodness of God, but that is a difficulty which does not pertain to this subject. A malignant being is an evil being, if endowed with reason, whether he was so made or so born, and a benevolent rational being is good in the universal judgment of men, whether he was so created or so born. We admit that it is repugnant to our moral judgments that God should create an evil being; or that any being should be born in a state of sin, unless his being so born is the consequence of a just judgment.”
In the same book, he exclaims:
"The same God whose penetrating glance burns away every artifice with which a man may envelop himself and reaches at once to the naked reality, is represented as swathing. His judgment with a gigantic artifice, in that He holds countless millions guilty of a trespass which He knows was committed before their personal existence, and which they could no more prevent than they could hinder the fiat of creation. If this is justice, then justice is a word of unknown meaning.”
Henry Sheldon, rejecting all the theories that justify the concept of original sin, writes as follows:
“An evil which is matter of pure inheritance cannot rationally be made the ground of the moral reprobation of the person inheriting. To him it is a calamity, and more properly calls for compassion than for condemnation… If it is irrational cruelty to blame one for a bodily deficit which was thus given, rather than acquired by personal misconduct, it is, in like manner, gross injustice to blame one for a spiritual deficit which was imposed outright and in no part was acquired”.
Ryan Hicks, refuting the concept of original sin, asserts:
“In conclusion, it is putting it far too kindly to say that the doctrine of original sin is pure and utter foolishness and nonsense. It contradicts the natural God-given reasoning that we use to explain EVERY single BIBLICAL doctrine. It makes God into a monster that has formed His creatures to be damned from birth and disobey Him by nature, thus they have no true free will in the matter. It thoroughly perverts personal responsibility and charges God with folly. It does not lead to holiness, rather to excuse making and denial of personal wrong doings causing one to be damned. (People have excused murder, adultery, lying, cheating, sodomy, rape, incest, coveting, idolatry, and all manner of sin on the basis of this one false doctrine alone. It lends itself to help people excuse sin rather than get free from sin. The fruit of the original sin doctrine is a testimony against it.) Thus, we should stick with the Bible’s plain teachings and always avoid the doctrines and commandments of men.”
An objective reader would note how the concept of original sin is untenable. The concept would promote evil as no one would consider himself or herself accountable for their sins. The concept of repentance would then have no meaning whatsoever. Why would Jesus have taught us his followers to forgive the digressions of one’s neighbors when man would be redeemed through him? Does it not appear strange for God to bestow certain faculties upon man only to punish him for those very faculties?
John Shelby Spong, focusing on this whole concept of Jesus’ sacrifice writes:
“Seldom did Christians pause to recognize the ogre into which they had turned God. A human father who would nail his son to a cross for any purpose would be arrested for child abuse. Yet that continued to be said of God as if it made God more holy and more worth of worship."
”On the same page, he then reiterates the traditional concept of salvation and comments as follows:
"This view of Christianity is increasingly difficult for many of us to accept or believe. I would choose to lathe rather than to worship a deity who required the sacrifice of his son. But on many other levels as well, this entire theological system, with these strange presuppositions, has completely unraveled in our post modern world. It now needs to be removed quite consciously from Christianity.”
Islamic Belief:
Islam teaches us that God created man as the best of His creation. Man is born on the nature of God and no sin is associated with his nature at the time of birth. Sin is a willful disobedience to God’s commandments and a choice is given to all, to do good or evil. A complete code of life is presented in the Holy Qur’an and Holy Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be on him) life is made an example to follow. The purpose of man’s creation is to recognize God and worship Him. The following few verses of the Holy Qur’an explain this perspective:
“"So set thy face to the service of religion as one devoted to God. And follow the nature made by Allah— the nature in which He has created mankind. There is no altering the creation of Allah, that is the right religion. But most men know not."” Holy Qur’an, 30:31
"And by the soul and its perfection—And He revealed to it what is wrong for it and what is right for it.”
Holy Qur’an, 91:7-8
"Surely We have created man in the best make, Then if he works iniquity, We reject him as the lowest of the low, except those who believe and do good works; so for them is an unending reward." Holy Qur’an, 95:5-8
The Holy Qur’an categorically explains that Allah does not burden anyone beyond one’s capacity. This is the declaration of fairness and wisdom pertaining to an individual’s ability to perform in this world. We read:
"Allah burdens not any soul beyond its capacity. It shall have the reward it earns, and it shall get the punishment it incurs". Holy Qur’an, 2:287.
Regarding the common notion that Adam sinned or disobeyed, Holy Qur’an exonerates Adam from any disobedience, we read thus:
"And verily, We had made a covenant with Adam beforehand, but he forgot, and We found in him no determination to disobey." Holy Qur’an 20:116
The philosophy of deeds in Islam is summarized in this statement of Holy Prophet Muhammad: “Deeds are judged by intentions.” As such then, we can see that if no sin was committed by Adam to begin with, then how could it be transferred into man’s progeny ?
Below, the traditional Christian belief, the modern Christian view and the Ahmadiyya Muslim belief are presented for comparison and further study. We encourage all the truth seekers to reflect on these verities.
Traditional Christian Belief:
Adam sinned; hence sin was transferred to mankind. Now all children are born with this original sin.
Modern Christian View:
Sin is not a substance that can be transferred from one man to his child. All children are created in the image of God. Later in life, they by their own choice do good or evil.Adam’s sin did not make mankind sinful.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Belief:
God created man on His nature as the best of creation. Sin is a willful disobedience to God’s commands, not a genetic code. God can forgive sins irrespective of their number. Adam did not willfully disobey God. He simply forgot.