One should not behave towards others in a way which is disagreeable to oneself. This is the essence of morality. All other activities are due to selfish desire.
Egyptian Book of Dead:
He sought for others the good he desired for himself.
Law of Moses:
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
Grecian instruction:
Do not do to your neighbor that you would take ill from him.
Zoroaster, Persia:
Do as you would be done by.
Confucius, China:
What you would not wish done to yourself do not unto others.
Buddhist instruction:
One should seek for others the happiness one desires for oneself.
Roman Law:
The law imprinted on the hearts of all men is to love the members of society as themselves.
Jesus Christ:
All things therefore whatsoever you would that men should do unto you, even so you do unto them; for this is the law of the prophets.
Prophet Muhammad:
By God Who holds my life in His Hand, none of you can be a truly faithful Muslim, unless he liked for his brother what he liked for himself.
None of us want to be innocent bystanders of a terrorist attack or collateral damage. If we wish the same for others there cannot be any terrorism.
I f any religion teaches hatred against any group or minority then we need to trade that religion for something better. The Messiah of this era, the lead follower of the Prophet Muhammad,saw Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas wrote in his last book, The Message of Peace:
“A religion which does not inculcate universal compassion is no religion at all. Similarly, a human being without the faculty of compassion is no human at all. Our God has never discriminated between one people and another. This is illustrated by the fact that all the potentials and capabilities which have been granted to the Aryans have also been granted to the races inhabiting Arabia, Persia, Syria, China, Japan, Europe and America.The earth created by God provides a common floor for all people alike, and His sun and moon and many stars are a source of radiance and provide many other benefits to all alike. Likewise, all peoples benefit from the elements created by Him, such as air, water, fire and earth, and similarly from other products created by Him like grain, fruit, and healing agents, etc. These attributes of God teach us the lesson that we, too, should behave magnanimously and kindly towards our fellow human beings and should not be petty of heart
and illiberal.”
When a Muslim does not check his
thoughts against the touchstone of the
Qur’anic verse,
‘We have sent thee (
Muhammad) not but as a mercy for all
he is vulnerable to fall victim
to the unholy thought that may lead to
terrorism. Likewise, when a Jew does
not check his thought or plan against
the teaching,
‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor
as thyself,’
when a Christian does
not evaluate his thought with the litmus
‘Love your neighbor as yourself,’
when an agnostic or atheist does not
evaluate his thoughts and plans against
the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights, he or she may be
slipping on the slippery slope that can
lead to pillage, war, terrorism and mayhem.
Do as you would be done by!
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